
Patent trolling pays: Since 2010, trolls undergo made 3 time to the same degree much money now attract to the same degree real companies

Patent trolling pays: Since 2010, trolls undergo made 3 time to the same degree much money now attract to the same degree real companies

Two charts agricultural show how, even though patent trolls undergo lost topical battles, they are still winning the war.

Who deserves additional money from a jury: A company with the aim of uses its patents to take legal action a competitor using its machinery? Or else a group of lawyers and investors with the aim of sues in one piece industries through shell companies?

The answer is the latter categorize — who are better proven to the same degree patent trolls. Now the hottest depressing indictment of the U.S. Patent classification, this chart shows how, from 2010-2013, so-called “non-practicing entities” (trolls) cashed banned by the side of three time the rate of real companies.

The chart shows how the median injure awards meant for trolls was $8.5 million, which is fair single of many sobering statistics in print by the law definite Goodwin Procter to the same degree part of a guidebook with the aim of provides tips meant for fighting patent trolls.

Michael Strapp, a partner by the side of Goodwin and single of the guide’s authors, explained by phone with the aim of the disproportionate injure awards meant for trolls is the upshot of several factors.

These include the efficient perfect of patent trolling, which now many belongings entails the troll building up a official war chest by squeezing settlements from dozens of less important companies, and it follows that suing a gigantic fish. Such gigantic fish, like Google or else Apple, are additional adept than petite firms of absorbing a loss — which, now attack, can pointer to advanced than usual injure awards.

An extra feature meant for the from top to toe symbol, Strapp assumed, relates to an extra dysfunctional aspect of America’s patent classification: The trolls’ capability to elect a handful of notorious venues. Unlike ordinary patent plaintiffs, which take legal action evenly across the company.

Despite advanced attract rulings intending to limit the jurisdiction of East Texas and Delaware, trolls are suing now these spaces by the side of advanced than interminably tariff — now rebuff petite part for the reason that the confined judges, perhaps recognizing with the aim of the troll lawsuits help the confined saving, are reluctant to gift venue changes.

These stats are a sobering reminder with the aim of, even to the same degree patent reform advocates undergo won round about crucial battles by the side of the Supreme attract, the trolls are still winning the war.

To the same degree Strapp illustrious, the court’s “Alice” ruling this summer on software patents funds with the aim of additional such patents are vulnerable to invalidity challenges — but with the aim of this nonetheless requires a defendant to use corpulent amounts of money to bring the commission to trial. According to Strapp, solitary roughly 5 percent of patent lawsuits even catch this far, to the same degree defendants recognize it is additional efficient to settle as a substitute.

To the same degree such, the necessary sphere perfect of trolls like Intellectual Ventures is still intact.

All of this suggests with the aim of a renewed urge meant for patent reform, such to the same degree with the aim of touted by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tx), yearn for subsist de rigueur to put in a classification with the aim of, despite topical patches, remains fundamentally damaged.

Tags : Michael Strapp , Patent

